14M+ readers,
100+ journalists

Our journalism helps business leaders navigate their changing industries.

Our Newsroom

Our newsroom of 100+ journalists covers the most important trends and stories in the business world's most competitive industries. We hire deeply experienced journalists who are authorities on their beats and train talented, up-and-coming journalists in the fundamentals of business coverage. We build relationships with a diverse range of sources in our industries, from executives and policymakers to consumers and analysts. We report thoroughly on the issues that matter most to the present and future of our industries.

Our journalism impacts the markets we serve on a daily basis. We break news, track important trends and provide our readers with critical analysis of the storylines shaping our industries. Our reporting is regularly cited in congressional hearings, regulatory dockets and legal proceedings. Our publications have won some of the most prestigious awards in business-to-business journalism.

Industry Dive is steadfastly committed to accurate, fair and impartial coverage of the industries we serve.

Read more about our editorial policies and standards

Award-winning journalism

Industry Dive helps business leaders stay ahead of the curve by producing the business world’s most respected journalism. From new business models and strategies to regulatory impacts and technological breakthroughs, industry executives trust our 37 publications to dive deep into the issues that matter most in their markets.


Read by millions of business leaders

Our publications inform executives across the most competitive industries.

"Healthcare Dive is a great vehicle for up-to-the minute and relevant healthcare industry news. A quick and to-the-point synopsis of important issues and trends that I can scan without having to open multiple emails. Thanks, Healthcare Dive!"

John M. Chamberlain, FACHE, Clinic Administrator, Thomas Hospital Urgent Care

"I find Trucking Dive to be extremely informative. It helps keep me informed of what's happening in the market. I used to subscribe to WSBJ for my freight insights, but TD is much more digestible."

Tanya "Tea" Delgado Valencia, Operations Manager at Uber Freight

"The information I get from my morning Retail Dive email helps keep me up-to-date on external events that are interesting and/or could impact my role.”

Kayla Rodriguez, Manager, Tablet Go-To-Market Strategy, Target

We cover 34 industries

Our publications

Learn about life at Dive

No matter the team you join or the work you do, we can guarantee a few things about life at Dive. You will be welcomed, you will be challenged, you will never utter the words "I'm bored."

You will be expected to bring your authentic self to this team and share your ideas and experiences with us. We look forward to knowing who you are and learning with you on this journey.

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Recognition & Awards

We are proud that our commitment to business journalism, community and design have been recognized by our peers.

Best Place to
Work Awards

Learn about life at Dive

No matter the team you join or the work you do, we can guarantee a few things about life at Dive. You will be welcomed, you will be challenged, you will never utter the words "I'm bored."

You will be expected to bring your authentic self to this team and share your ideas and experiences with us. We look forward to knowing who you are and learning with you on this journey.

Explore our culture